
Faculty of Science and Technology Suratthani Rajabhat University Thank you for your assistance in exchanging links for the location of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
For your convenience in setting up our links We have created a ready-made HTML code so that you can install it on your website. You can copy code in the box below as you like. And bring the code that you have copied to install in the place you want And the Faculty of Science and Technology would be very grateful If you set up a link and configure the banner link of the Faculty of Science and Technology to be displayed on every page of your website.

1. Banner size 300*67 Pixel
Download Code Banner 1

<a href=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th/banner1.jpg” alt=”Faculty of Science and Technology Suratthani Rajabhat University” width=”300″ height=”67″ border=”0″ /></a>

2. Banner size 332*105 Pixel
Download Code Banner 2

<a href=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th/banner2.jpg” alt=”Faculty of Science and Technology Suratthani Rajabhat University” width=”332″ height=”105″ border=”0″ /></a>

3. Banner size 366*58 Pixel
Download Code Banner 3

<a href=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://www.sci.sru.ac.th/banner3.jpg” alt=”Faculty of Science and Technology Suratthani Rajabhat University” width=”366″ height=”58″ border=”0″ /></a>

*If you wish to contact additional inquiries, you can call us at 077-913-366 or e-mail sci@sru.ac.th.
* P.S. If the code is displayed incorrectly, check the ”
* P.S. You can Download Code Banner to download the original code.

Educational institutions and networking departments of the Faculty of Science and Technology can find the link that is installed in the menu. NETWORK AGENCY

Faculty of SCI@SRU